The Most Powerful Manifesting Day of The Decade Will Be On November 11, 2018

Do you always happen to check your phone right around 11:11? Do repeating number sequences pop up all around you – on license plates, digital notifications, and receipts?

This year more than any other time in history, countless people all over the globe have reported seeing the 11:11 code repeatedly throughout their daily lives.

It is becoming a worldwide phenomenon as we creep close to the 11th day of the 11th month of an 11 Universal Year (2+0+1+8=11).

11:11:11 Will Unlock Your Personal Manifesting Potential

In Numerology, 11 is a Master Number. It’s the number of unique creation, authentic expression, and rapid manifestation.

It contains the pioneering ignition spark of the number 1, and the soothing, sensitive, psychic gifts of the number 2. In combination, the Master Number 11 holds the vibration of ascension.

If you look at the shape of the Number 11, it represents two pillars, a gateway, which opens a direct portal between divine inspiration and grounded manifestation. Triple this (11:11:11) and we’re talking manifestation at light speed!

On November 11th, 2018, the 11:11:11 portal flies wide open forming the most potent manifesting gateway of the decade. Expect a rapid expansion of your personal power and abundance potential!

The Slow-Burning Power of 11:11

There’s no doubt that the 11:11 number code carries a powerful message of divine guidance, inspiration, and abundance. If you think back to the very beginning of the year, can you remember how strong that sense of potential felt!?

Hopefully, since this 11 Universal wheel started turning back in January, you’ve been using the energy of this dynamic number to build, create and manifest incredible things.

In fact, it’s safe to assume you’ve become an entirely different human to the one who began this year!

However, you need to know that, while Master Numbers bring great opportunities, they are often accompanied by great challenges.

Master Numbers demand mastery, time and patience. This could be why the last 11 months haven’t been all sunshine and rainbows for you (yet).

Luckily, in Numerology, it’s widely understood that Master Numbers don’t actually begin to express their highest and most groundbreaking qualities until the second half of their cycles.

So for 2018, that means the latter part of the year. Master Numbers are, in fact, slow burners, which patiently wait until the time is right before emerging into greatness.

So if 2018 hasn’t been a breeze for you. In case you haven’t quite managed to manifest the ease, grace, and abundance that you imagined the year would hold…

Just. you. wait!

Your Transformation Is Only Just Beginning

Everything that has happened up until this point has been in preparation for something much, much greater.

This period from October 31-December 31st is already considered a potent portal of transformation, when the veil between Earth and Spirit Worlds is thinner.

It’s akin to the dark Moon phase, a time for dissolution and the release of old ways, allowing for inner change and hearty renewal to take place in preparation for a brand new year ahead.

It’s so important not to rush through this time, not to simply keep your head down and carry on. This 11 Universal Year still has magnificent work to do and, this time, its energy will be especially potent and transformational.

So, if 11:11 has been appearing around you, this is the sign you’ve been waiting for!

Now is the moment to harness this Triple Master Number’s slow-burning momentum to manifest massive spiritual growth and abundance in your life.

Claim Your Free Personalized Report

If you don’t know what your Achievement Number is, don’t worry!

Not many people do… so we’ll be sharing yours with you in this FREE Prosperity Report. We’re preparing something extremely special for you, a personalized gift to equip you for a truly prosperous year ahead.

Click HERE for your FREE Prosperity Reading based on your name and date of birth PLUS an exclusive report 5 Ways To Prepare For 11:11:11.

Until then, use the tools described above to welcome these powerfully transformative cosmic energies into your life and prepare to receive the abundance you deserve when the Universal wheel starts turning again on January 1st, 2019.

P.S. Has the number 11:11 been showing up in your life? These are signs that you’re transformation is only just beginning!

Source: higher perspectives

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